About Us

Enough is Enough.
We're all seeing it. We're all feeling it. And we're all done with it.
It's time for a courageous heart and boundless bravery to fight against the godless, globalist traitors forcing their twisted tyranny on us.
Like you, my spirit is fired up and not backing down from the manufactured evil looming over this country, or any other crooked nation my stolen tax dollars are forced to fund.
I'm not asking for much. I just want to be able to buy a house, buy a car, buy some land, and by God, buy a funny t-shirt from time to time-- without the threat of a demoncratically possessed Blackrock fanboy trying and failing to snipe my President.
I just want Justice and Joy to return abundantly. The only inflation I want to see, is in limitless prosperity for the go-getter. 
Instead, I no longer recognize my hometown. Many of you can relate to that, but more of you can relate to this: While I still breathe, I'm not done yet. And I refuse to allow our children to grow up in this hellscape in progress.
Which brings me to what I have to offer you. A moment of levity. A little bit of a laugh with an encouraging message. Banter, fun, jokes and roasts...I don't want to live in a world where these simple moments of happiness are rare commodities. Such interactions help sustain civilization and civility.
That's what drove my inspiration to the internet's biggest and best powerhouses, and start a little business of my own.
Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Tucker Carlson are all very different individuals, with vastly different backgrounds. But their success comes from a grit, a toughness; an unmatched business savvy and belief in the American dream for the self-sufficient, and not self-assisted suicide.
I know politics is stark now. An unavoidable line has been drawn.
But there can still be good days ahead.
And I hope you join me in fighting for every scrap of it, because this great nation, its patriots, and the children, both born and unborn-- are worth it.
Thank you for your support! God Bless!